Biography of Vera

Ecuadorian self taught painter part of the graffiti scene in Quito, whose art practice has gone beyond her country’s frontiers and has been invited to paint at numerous festivals abroad. Her feminine and delicate style is her signature mark. Director of the GRAFF Festival of Public Art in Ecuador on its 8th editions. Entrepreneur of Messklan gallery and shop for emerging artist and designers. Co-funder of Central Dogma cultural production collective. Architect with experience in urban and sustainable design and community projects. At the moment directing the first EMA (International Muralism Encounter in Ambato-Ecuador) joining 12 artist from Latin America and Europe to paint large format walls around the city.


Amaru, which means snake in Quichua, is a divinity in Andean cosmology who was associated with wisdom in the Incan era. Amaru allows for and symbolises the dialogue between the earth and the sky, believing in its ability to transgress the limits of the spiritual reign in the underworld. Amaru is a powerful animal, shown here with a woman looking through its eye, in a powerful and protective union.

Offside Gallery
Offside Gallery
Offside Gallery